Raja Ampat Environment Watch is a crowd-sourcing solution to help protect Raja Ampat’s beautiful and fragile marine and terrestrial environments.
October 2019 Update: The Environment Watch App was built on an old platform which is not supported on our new server. Unfortunately, the App didn’t receive enough use to warrant the investment required to update it. If we can raise the funds required to rebuild it, we will bring it back anyway.
The Raja Ampat archipelago and its Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are huge, and the organisations tasked with their protection don’t have the resources to ensure 100% monitoring coverage.
Raja Ampat Environment Watch makes it possible for everyone to help. Please feel free to share, publicise and link to it. The more Watchers, the better!
Have you witnessed events or conditions in Raja Ampat that gave you cause for concern and wished you knew who to report to?
Raja Ampat Environment Watch will forward your (anonymised) report to the appropriate Raja Ampat government body and/or local organisation for action.
Along with a description of the event or issue you have witnessed, you can upload GPS coordinates and photos and link to externally hosted videos to provide the information needed by local authorities and stakeholders to appropriately respond to your concerns.
Originally developed to provide a way for local communities and visitors to report instances of illegal activity and environmental damage in Raja Ampat’s MPAs, the application can be used to report environmental concerns of any nature, at sea or on land and from any cause.
Anyone can make reports and any interested individual or organisation can sign up to receive reports as they are logged by the application.
Although designed primarily for the reporting of environmental concerns, you are also welcome to report any other location-specific incident or news relevant to Raja Ampat. Don’t forget too, that positive environmental observations or events are also welcome!
While not mandatory, we encourage you to at least supply an email address so we can contact you in the event that responding organisations need more information.
Names and email addresses will never be published, will be held in strict confidence and are secured by SSL technology. We will never provide any identifying information to a third party without your written permission.
About making Raja Ampat Environment Watch reports
Report Location: As Raja Ampat is such a vast area, GPS coordinates are essential to provide responders with accurate location information. Please always include accurate GPS coordinates if possible. If you don’t have the ability to log GPS coordinates, zoom in on the report page map, place the marker as accurately as you can and provide extra location information in your description.
Report date and time: Please always set your report date and time to that of the event you’re reporting. (Or just include that info in the details and we’ll set it for you.)
Photos/Video: Photos are proof positive of your report details – please always include them! You can also provide a link to video uploaded to platforms such as YouTube. (Vimeo is not recommended as it is blocked by Indonesian internet filters.)
Description/Details: Please always provide as much detailed information as possible in your reports. For example, if reporting activity of concern by boats, describe exactly what you witnessed and do your best to provide the boat’s name and/or identifying number. Photos that allow identification of boat crew could be supplied if there’s no other means of identification, but please don’t ever place yourself at risk in order to obtain photos or video for reports.
Privacy: With the exception of the “Optional Information” field on the report submission page, all details and uploaded images submitted there will be published, so don’t include any content in those that you don’t want made public. Personal “Optional Information” is the only data that will always remain strictly private.
Confidential Reports: If you want to file a completely confidential report, please do so by either emailing us or by including NOT FOR PUBLICATION in your report details. (All reports are held for review before publishing.)
About signing up to receive Raja Ampat Environment Watch reports
If you want to receive all new reports as they are published, all you need to do is:
1. Enter the email address you want reports sent to, then click “Save My Alert”
2. Click the link provided in the confirmation email sent to your email address.
If you want to receive specific reports only, select the categories you want to receive reports for prior to clicking “Save My Alert”.
You can cancel your alerts at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link contained in each alert email.