Ask us questions about Raja Ampat or the accommodation.
Check that your question hasn’t already been answered elsewhere on the site: See all the information linked from our step by step guide.
Tell us about your Raja Ampat experiences, new accommodation places or guides.
Contact the Raja Ampat Homestay Information Center at Waisai if you are in Raja Ampat and need assistance with anything to do with your stay at a homestay.
Ask us to contact homestays for you. We are not based in Raja Ampat and have no way to contact homestays apart from the methods we make available to you on their pages. See here for how to easily make a booking.
Ask us about foreign-owned businesses in Raja Ampat. Stay Raja Ampat exclusively represents Papuan-owned community enterprises. We are not travel agents and we can’t help you in regard to resorts, liveaboards and other foreign-owned businesses.