Welcome to the new incarnation of Raja Ampat Homestays – there’s been some changes, but our purpose remains the same…
The new name: We’ve changed our name because “homestays” really isn’t the best description of the accommodation offered by our friends in Raja Ampat. You won’t be sharing a home if you stay at any of the places here. The facilities on offer are probably better described as bungalows or beach camps or even huts. Read our Raja Ampat Homestays page to find out more about them…
The new design: While we loved our old design, we felt the site was lacking in a couple of important areas. The first of these was provision for visitors using mobile devices. This new site is fully responsive, adapting itself to display best regardless of device or screen orientation and size. We hope those of you arriving here on phones and tablets enjoy not having to zoom and drag like crazy to get to the places you want to go. We’ve also done our best to rework navigation and layout to make things easier to find. Finally, the old site was a little… well… dark. Raja Ampat is a light-filled, blue-washed paradise – we felt our new site should reflect that…
New information: We’ve added more information to the site – new maps, articles and a feed from our Facebook page – and in 2013 we’ll be returning to Raja Ampat on an extended research trip to discover and list as many new establishments as we can. Let us know how we’re doing. If you can provide any new info on places listed here (or have info on places that aren’t) or think we’ve missed providing any essentials please contact us – we’ll be happy to hear from you.
A new facebook page: Looking to contact other travellers heading to Raja Ampat to share costs with? Want the latest news from the islands? Maybe you’ve had an experience (either good or bad) that we should all know about… Our Facebook Page is a forum for exactly that – we hope you’ll like it!